Traveling with πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό Kids - A mom's viewπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

Someone beautifully defined traveling with Kids : 
When you travel with your children you are giving them something that can never be taken away... 
experience, exposure, and a way of lifeπŸ’•πŸ’•...

As parents, we have heard this a zillion times that they grow like really fast...

The little baby whom you held in your arm for the first time just a few months ago is already a little boy/girl, who will soon become a teenager & then a young man/women and just like that, they will grow and grow until they are adults...
Enjoy it while they're little or rather enjoy with them while they are growing. 

You will never have this day with your kids again, tomorrow they will be little wiser and older than today. What best way to spend time with your kids and help them widen their worldly knowledge is to take them along with you to see new destinations and experience different surrounding every now and then...
I strongly believe that real learning happens outside the classroom and travel is an excellent teacher. 
Even at a young age, my son has learned that there are different types of people in the world who all look very different. He knows and understands there are different languages spoken and different foods eaten by people around the world. He does not have preconceived notions about people who look or dress differently than him.
There are endless reasons to travel with kids, but just for starters; they become smarter, adaptable & receptive towards changing surrounding.

But is it all sunny and nice when you travel with kids... Well no it's not a cake walk or easy breezy at allπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡... But better planning and strong inclination to make your kids see the world is a good starting point.

A few points to keep in mind while traveling with small children and toddlers will make your vacation so much more worthy and enjoyable, I bet after taking one you will be unstoppable. Here are a few of my own suggestions to keep in mind while taking holidays with your little ones, hope this will help you have a great time together as a family:

Tune your pace as per them:

Okay so let's face this, we are no more solo or couple traveler, we need to be realistic about what we can see and do when traveling with kids...Don't try to stuff your itinerary too much. The realistic you be the more stress-free every one will be:-)
Set the pace of the trip according to what your child can acclimatize to also especially on road trips don't forget to take into account the stops along the way for the loo, snack, and napping.

Define your preferences:

Successful trips are those that involve both parents and children in choosing the destination and charting out the itinerary. Sit down with your kids and talk to them about where they want to go on their holiday. The idea is to take a holiday which allows everyone to experience something that THEY love.
Discuss the budget, itinerary, must-see attractions in the stipulated time to plan a great holiday

Consider BnB's and Home-stays:

I am a big advocate of BnB's and home-stays as it gives a lot of liberty to everyone in terms of space and privacy.
Most hotels are not built for young kids or families, and usually, don't give kitchenette, microwave or a fridge and the walls are too thin... But when you choose an apartment you get to stay in a home with all the amenities and these extra facilities can make your life so much more easy and stress-free. however, I prefer this option only when we are staying at a place for 3-5 days.

Try Shoulder months for your vacation:

For longer holidays it's best to travel when the rush is about to begin or end, this way you will be able to enjoy the holiday with lesser tourists and will give your kids enough time to enjoy the destination at their own pace. Also, accommodation and flight tickets will be relatively cheaper..

ALWAYS travel with your food:

Always take your own food items on long road trips or train journey. Long duration travel can leave the kids irritated and hungry and the snacks available on the way won't as healthy as compared to what you will carry. 

Travel with your mind wide open:

We travel to experience diversity of climate, culture, and ways of life. But if you are doing all of this with a closed mind you will certainly not have an enriching experience. There will be incidents when practices of other culture will be a shock when this happens just let your kids form their own opinion about it and help them with relevant information. 
We all were kids once remember??? Take it as a used case and let the kids enjoy doing what they like, after all we all travel to get out of our boxes so why box them

At the end no matter what happens on a trip, you fall sick, there is a flight delay or a car break down or even homesickness JUST STAY POSITIVEπŸ’Ÿ

After all your children will be taking key life lessons from you onlyπŸ‘ͺ


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